Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blizzard? No problem!

In this video, we had just had a "blizzard" as the news called it, so there was no where for us to go skate besides a fully covered parking garage. It took a while to find one since our normal garage we skate at was all snowy, but we found a great one and got some good practice in!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mad World Logo

Here is our logo that we will be wearing.

Rooftop's and Panoramic Photo's

Here are some pics from a skate sesh on Feb. 3
We went to our favorite parking garage and checked out a few new ones. Nothing beats a roof top view!

Track Your Ride iPhone App

It's called Skatebook it's great. Here are two of Alyssa's rides.


We will hopefully be riding in a bomb in March with the Wichita Longboarding Club... here is a link to their Facebook page...

We will also be riding in the Tuttle Creek Bomb in April.